Das 1. eigene Buch

The 1st own book

The way to your first book The thought of writing my own book has been in my head for a long time and I have often been encouraged to put...
Tagged: Dies & Das


When dreams come true - my paintings exhibited at the Louvre in Paris 2 of my pictures could be viewed from May 24th to 26th, 2019 during Art Shopping in...
Tagged: Reisen
Schönes Südtirol

Beautiful South Tyrol

Colorful flowers, white mountain peaks and green meadows welcomed us to beautiful South Tyrol. We used the free May 1st for an enchanting Rollin'Art company outing to Meran . We...
Tagged: Reisen
1. Rollin'Art Glückstag

1st Rollin'Art lucky day

The "Rollin'Art Glückstag" is our new event concept and will take place 3-4 times a year from now on. Visitors can expect something new, special, creative, delicious and colorful on...
Tagged: Dies & Das

ART Innsbruck

Rollin'Art at ART Innsbruck From January 16th to 20th, 2019, the Innsbruck Exhibition Center was once again transformed into the hotspot for artists, art lovers and art collectors. The ART...
Tagged: Dies & Das
Ein Rückblick mit Vorfreude

A look back with anticipation

Goodbye 2018 - hello 2019 2018 a review: * the year of many thousands of cups * Hundreds of colorful hours in the studio with 24 pictures yield * Successful...
Tagged: Dies & Das
Ich bin es leid

i'm tired

I've wanted to write a post about disability for a long time. Because it's a sore subject. So often I am asked how should I be treated? How to behave?...
Tagged: Gedanken
Über die kleinen Dinge im Leben

About the little things in life

"It's the little things in life." I am a person who thinks and reflects a lot. This is a curse and a blessing at the same time. But when I...
Tagged: Gedanken
Moin Moin Hamburg

Moin Moin Hamburg

Short trip to the port city of Hamburg My boyfriend, my brother and I are huge Game of Thrones fans. For all those who don't know what I'm writing about:...
Tagged: Reisen
Entspannung im Stadthotel Brunner

Relaxation in the city hotel Brunner

"My heart in the center" is the motto of the Stadthotel Brunner in Schladming, to which my boyfriend and I were invited. And I have to say right away that...
Tagged: Reisen
Das lange Warten...

The long wait...

The long wait for sun, warmth & good vibes. The thermometer on my cell phone shows minus 10 degrees. 36 degrees too little for my taste. The winter blues hit...
Tagged: Gedanken


Wanderlust! About traveling in a wheelchair. London callin... There is nowhere nicer than home! But I still feel this wanderlust again and again, this desire to discover something new. adventurous....
Tagged: Reisen